Monday, May 29, 2023

Teapots and Teacups at Niagara-on-the-Lake

When I visited Niagara-on-the-Lake last month, I spied teapots and teacups.

It was a pleasant surprise to find vintage teacups on sale at the Niagara Home Bakery.

Victoria's Teas and Coffees had amazing animal teapots.

I didn't check the maker because I was as afraid to touch the expensive teapots.


I was proud of myself for leaving the tea store empty-handed. 

At the Pillar and Post restaurant, my Twinings English breakfast tea was served in a mini silver teapot.

On our way home, we stopped by the Lakeshore Antiques and Treasures. I was in teacup heaven!

Monday, May 22, 2023

2023 International Tea Day

On May 21st, I celebrated International Tea Day by drinking teas from around the world!

The theme of this year's International Tea Day is, “Sip, Share, and Celebrate: Uniting Through the Essence of Tea".

India - Assam Black Tea: Boba Milk Tea (Dessert by Deb)


China - Oolong: Ginseng Oolong (Genuine Tea)


 Japan - Matcha: Grand Cru Matcha Latte (DavidsTea)


Kenya - Purple Tea: Purple Chocolate (Justea)

Purple tea was first grown in Kenya in 2011 and is part of the Camellia Sinensis Assamica tea family. The tea leaves are actually purple and has more anti-oxidants than other tea leaves. Purple tea has less caffeine so it's perfect for the late afternoon or early evening! To learn more: click here

Justea's Purple Chocolate is a decadent blend of cacao and purple tea. I also love how each purchase of purple tea benefits the tea farmers in Western Kenya. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Afternoon Tea at the Prince of Wales Hotel's Drawing Room

It's been a long time coming...

I finally had afternoon tea at a tearoom that has been on my bucket list for years: The Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara-on-the-Lake!


The Afternoon Tea was my 2020 milestone birthday gift, but then Covid came long...My friend and I finally went to the Prince of Wales for afternoon tea last month--and I celebrated turning 40 again!

Sloane Tea's delicious Peaches & Cream white tea was served in a Sadler teapot and Wedgwood teacup.


The Traditional Afternoon Tea included an assortment of delicious finger sandwiches, pastries, and the signature scones.


And I don't know how it gets better than this. 

The Prince of Wales' elegant and scrumptious afternoon tea was one of the best tea experiences that I've had!

Monday, May 8, 2023

Royal Teas for the Coronation

 Did you get up early last Saturday to watch King Charles' coronation?

 Of course, I had tea to celebrate this historic occasion. 


Saturday Morning Coronation Tea

Buckingham Palace's Strawberry and Vanilla Cake black tea was served in my Thames Riverside London teapot and sipped from my Paragon teacup.

A delicious banana chocolate chip scone accompanied my cup of tea.


Sunday Afternoon Coronation Tea

Monarch Tea Co's Tangerine Dream herbal tea in my Royal Albert teacup. My tea time treat was a berry and white chocolate scone.


My next royal tea will celebrate a new era:

💜💜💜 July 7, 2023 💜💜💜

Monday, May 1, 2023

Fairy Garden Teapot Houses

 Do you have a fairy garden?

I don't have one, but that hasn't stopped me from collecting fairy garden teapot houses!

I found this grey teapot house at a home decor store a few years ago. It's about the size of a 4 to 6-cup teapot.

This cute white teapot house was gifted to me years ago by my godson. It's sitting on a black bear coaster that a friend brought back from Taiwan. 


I purchased this charming brown teapot house ($1.50 CAD) at Dollar Tree earlier this year.

Dollar Tree also had this adorable purple teapot house ($1.50 CAD). Two of them magically jumped into my cart!


April tea empties

What I've already restocked:
1) Lavender London Fog black tea (Dessert by Deb)

What I may repurchase in the future:
1) Berry Custard Meringue rooibos (Dessert by Deb)
2) Chocolate Earl Grey black tea (DavidsTea)
3) Picadilly Blend black tea (Whittard of Chelsea)

If you were a fairy, which teapot house would you live in?