Monday, September 9, 2024

Acquiring a mug on my wish list

Raise your hand if you have a list of teawares that you're in search of (ISO) when you go thrifting.

A few weeks ago, I was at a local thrift store and couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted the DavidsTea watermelon nordic mug on their shelf! I practically skipped to the cash register!


The watermelon nordic mug was released several years ago and I always regretted not buying it when it was still available. 

The mug was in pristine condition and came with a stainless steel infuser. It's perfect for my watermelon oolong teas!


I also couldn't resist picking up this cute colour-changing parrot mug.

Have you scored any thrifty treasures lately?


  1. Margie, it was meant to be!! How wonderful that you found those adorable mugs.

  2. Great findings! Last month I bought a RA teacup of September and finally completed my collection but it was too expensive... Best wishes.

  3. what a lovely treasure, Margie! we have a free swap shop in town and I've found a few wonderful mugs (and many other fun things) there.

  4. It's always great when you find something you've been wanting. I haven't been thrifting for a long time. Love the parrot mug.


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