Monday, August 14, 2023

Custom character tea cosies

I'm enchanted to introduce the newest members of my band of tea cosies...

Tea Swift!
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I scoured the internet before I finally found a Etsy seller in Ireland (!!!) who had the skills and talent to turn my wildest dream into a reality!


I also ordered this bespoke E.Tea cosy.

Got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life.


Sweet tea in the summer...
Love you to the moon and Saturn


  1. Ainda não tinha visto nada assim para conservar o chá quentinho! :-))
    Adorei ambas as aquisições, Margie!
    Finalmente estou de volta a este cantinho, após uns meses um pouco problemáticos devido a problemas de saúde da minha mãe... ainda não totalmente ultrapassados, mas pelo menos, bem mais controlados!
    Estimo que tudo esteja bem, aí desse lado, Margie!
    Beijinhos! Feliz Agosto!

  2. Oh wow, Margie!! You found a talented knitter for your Taylor Swift Cosy! I’m not sure but I think the other may be crocheted. Whatever, they are amazing!


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