Monday, May 25, 2020

Tea gifts in the time of corona

During these topsy-turvy times, I was touched by my awesome friends' thoughtful gifts to lift my spirits during the lockdown.

A friend gave me this gorgeous teacup... help me get through the bad days of the pandemic.

Another friend gave me this cute vintage Noah's ark teapot.
How long did Noah and his family shelter in place in the ark with the animals?

Does it worry you to be [home] alone?
How do I feel by the end of the day?
Are you sad because you're on your own?
No, I get by with a little help from my friends. 

(The Beatles)


  1. Great and clever post(as ever...)!I love your gorgeous gifts,especially that cute teapot!I think you have dearest friends...And that music is perfect!

  2. What kind friends you have, Margie. We all 🎵”need a little help from” our friends. 🎵

  3. Margie, I did the math once. I think Noah's family was in the Ark for about a year! So we can do THIS lockdown standing on our heads, right?! Sweet friends, and they know you well. I often think of you when I see tea things!

  4. What sweet friends to be such a wonderful source of encouragement to you dear Margie. Loving your little gifts. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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