Monday, October 9, 2023

Autumn Teas: Pumpkin Spices

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends!

'Tis pumpkin spice season in the valley!


Pumpkin Tea #1: Pumpkin Cream black tea by Monarch Tea Co


Pumpkin Tea #2: Pumpkin Spice black tea by Murchie's Tea


 Pumpkin Tea #3: Pumpkin Spice black tea by Charbrew


Pumpkin Tea #4: Pumpkin Chai by DavidsTea


Pumpkin Tea #5: Pumpkin Earl Grey black tea by DavidsTea


Pumpkin Tea #6: Pumpkin Nut roiboos by Totalitea


Pumpkin Tea #7: Decaf Pumpkin Spice black tea by Stash

 What's your favourite pumpkin tea?


  1. I love #’s 1, 2 and 4 and am grateful to have been able to try them from you! 2 and 4 have more flavor than the pumpkin cream. What’s your favorite, Margie??
    I’m loving all those cute mugs!!

  2. Adorei as canecas! Ainda não experimentei nenhum chá com abóbora! Quem dera, que o supermercado onde eu me abasteço de chás, tivesse maior criatividade, nas ofertas ao público... mas aos poucos, começam a apresentar novos sabores...
    Que tenha passado este dia, da melhor forma, Margie!
    Beijinhos! Bom fim de semana!


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