Monday, October 16, 2023

Thrifted Mugs: Wins and Losses

I've always loved handmade pottery. I recently thrifted some handmade mugs to add to my small pottery collection.


I couldn't believe that this set of 4 Scott Barnim mugs were only $9.99 CAD. I had a 30% off coupon, so I paid just under $8 CAD with tax!


These cute fish mugs ($3.99 CAD each) caught my eye and reminded me of the Rainbow Fish...


 ...but when I got home, I noticed that both mugs had crazing/crackling. I'm not a fan of crazing so I'll have to rehome these mugs! 


  1. Oh my, too bad on those fish mugs, Margie, but your other set is super cute and a bargain!

  2. Rats about the crackling of the glazing on those mugs. Too bad, I liked their cuteness. I do like your Scott Barnim mugs - love the colours.

    I took a look at your last couple of other posts with your autumnal tea themes. Fun! And what a lovely surprise from your tea friend.

    Happy day, Margie!

  3. Too bad about the glazing on the fish mugs. Love the others, too.

  4. Que penas as duas canecas com os peixes, estarem estaladas... mas a coleção de 4 acima, é bem bonita! Esta semana, comprei duas canecas com motivos de Natal... Já se começa a ver os artigos de Natal, um pouco por todo o lado...
    Beijinhos! Continuação de uma feliz semana!

  5. you do find the most fun bargains, friend!

  6. Eu achei as suas chávenas uma fofura!
    Um beijinho!
    😉👄😉Megy Maia


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