Monday, June 24, 2024

Flashback Travel: Machu Picchu, Peru

 This week, I'm sharing a teapot that I got on my 2011 Peru trip.

How cute are these llamas? I think the teapot is made of red clay.


Macchu Picchu at sunrise




A close encounter with a real llama (or this an alpalca?)!


Coca tea is a herbal tea that people drink in Peru to help with the altitude sickness. I tried it, but honestly can't remember what it tasted like, or if it actually helped prevent altitude sickness!


  1. what awesome shots of a beautiful country.

  2. Did I ever tell you that Mike visited Mucchu Picchu when he was in college? He got a scholarship to go one summer for a few weeks.

  3. My sister loved her travel to Peru some years ago. She gave me two beautiful and typical plates from there. Hugs.


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