Monday, June 10, 2024

Tea-themed gifts from BBW

Last month I received some tea-lightful gifts from the Bath and Body Works x Bridgerton collection.


I had been eyeing this beautiful teacup fragrance plug, so I was thrilled when my godson gifted it to me!


My mom gave me this super cute teapot PocketBac holder. I think it would also look great on my tea-themed Christmas tree!


The Sweet Tea & Lemonade foaming hand soap is part of BBW's summer collection. It smells exactly liked iced tea!


  1. All such lovely treats, Margie. What a gorgeous teacup fragrance plug. And that PocketBac holder will be lovely as a tree ornament. Your soap should be wonderful to use.

  2. The teacup fragrance plug is so pretty. I love the colour. You always receive such unique gifts that reflect your tea interest (obsession?).

  3. Margie, what lovely tea-themed gifts!
    The teacup fragrance plug is adorable, and the teapot PocketBac holder will look perfect on your Christmas tree. The Sweet Tea & Lemonade hand soap sounds so refreshing.

  4. Great gifts. Very interesting. Have a lovely week ahead.


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