Monday, January 16, 2023

Waterdown Tea House

When I found out that the proprietor of the Waterdown Tea House was retiring and shutting down its operations before Christmas, I rushed to use the gift certificate that I received back in Christmas 2019 (!).


Photo credit: Waterdown Tea House

I had intended to use the gift certificate but the pandemic and life just got in the way.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to enjoy afternoon tea inside the beautiful tea house. I picked up my take-out order a few days before Christmas.


My takeout order: Afternoon Tea, extra scones, and two tea blends (Prince Harry Royal Wedding Rooibos; Peach Oolong)

I was grateful that I got to try Waterdown Tea House's delicious food before they closed their doors for good!


  1. The tea looks delicious. It's too bad the teahouse is closing. So many food establishments are doing that, unable to keep up with lack of labour, and rising prices.

  2. So glad you got to try the teahouse's food before they closed their doors for good.
    Lovely photos, Margie.

    Hugs and blessings!

  3. Lucky you. The tea looks delicious. Hugs.

  4. Que pena, um espaço tão encantador ter fechado!
    Felizmente ainda pôde usufruir do mesmo, antes do fecho definitivo! A pandemia e agora esta guerra mexendo com a economia de todos os países, tem prejudicado muitos pequenos negócios...
    Adorei as imagens, com as delicias da casa! Tudo com excelente apresentação!
    Beijinhos! Continuação de uma feliz semana!

  5. Good job in getting to use your gift certificate before the tea room shut its doors! I had a gift card to a spa that I didn’t get to finish using before it shut down.

  6. Such a lovely afternoon tea, and good that you got to use the gift certificate. So many places are closing around here as well.


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