Monday, August 21, 2023

Garage Sale Haul #3: Mugs!

Guess who scored some more great deals at a community garage sale!


This charming mug was only 10 cents!


I also picked up this HUGE pottery mug for 50 cents. I was drawn to the unique design and knew that pottery by this artist sell for wayyyyy more than 50 cents!


 This cute animal tea cosy was a dollar.

What are the best treasures that you've scored at garage/rummage sales?


  1. Girl, you done good!!! I so need to take a day to go thrifting. Maybe when it's a tad cooler! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Gorgeous finds, Margie! I especially like that tea cosy—perfect for summer teas in the garden. It's been a crazy year+ in which I haven't visited as often as I used to, but today I set aside for catching up with my favorite blogs. It's too hot to look for garage sales just now!

  3. You find the best tea things at garage/thrift sales, Margie. It’s way too hot for me to go out to garage sales, but I do love it. I did find a pretty sunflower tray on FB Marketplace though.

  4. That tea cosy is so pretty.
    And the mugs are absolutely charming.

    You scored big, Margie!

  5. Fantásticas aquisições, Margie! Eu há tempos consegui duas pequenas estatuetas em porcelana de pássaros!... E estavam ambas em excelente estado!
    Também gosto de encontrar pequenos tesouros, neste género de vendas...
    Beijinhos! Votos de um feliz domingo e uma excelente semana!


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