Monday, June 17, 2024

Celebrating my 500th post!

 I can't believe that this is the 500th post on my blog!


I started my tea blog as a hobby and it ended up enriching my life in ways that I couldn't have imagined! I couldn't be more grateful for all the wonderful connections that I've made in the tea blogging community. 

Thank you for your incredible support over the last 9 years! I always appreciate your visits and comments!

Father's Day Tea

Celebrating Father's Day with Belgian chocolate cake and macarons and Almond Meyer Lemon Shaker Pie rooibos from Dessert by Deb.


  1. For those of us who love "tea"; it is us who should say thank you to you for sharing all the wonderful tea themed posts for our enjoyment. Hope you continue to keep on sharing.

  2. Congratulations on your 500th post, Margie! We’ve been friends for quite awhile now and I’m thankful for your friendship. Your Father’s Day tea looks mighty tasty!

  3. What a milestone to celebrate, Margie! I love how you mention your tea blog starting as a hobby and it ending up enriching your life in ways you never imagined. That's how I feel about my blog too. I feel so rich for the lovely people I've met -- like yourself -- through blogging.

    Here's wishing you happy success for the next 500 posts and the continued delight in creating them for us, your readers. BTW, that Belgian cake looks delicious!

  4. Congratulations on your 500th post, Margie!
    Your blog is a joy, and I'm so grateful for the inspiration you bring.
    The Father's Day tea sounds divine—especially that Belgian chocolate cake!
    Here's to many more delightful posts and happy tea moments.
    Cheers to your amazing achievement! 🥂


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