Monday, May 13, 2024

1st Annual Milton Tea Fest

At the beginning of the month, I attended the 1st Annual Tea Fest held in Milton.


There were over 30 vendors offering tea samples and other goodies.


Top: Chai Affair
Bottom: Amani Tea


Tea Samples (left to right): white tea, rooibos, chai, Korean tea


I also enjoyed sampling Momo Tea's different flavoured sencha green teas (left to right): sakura, ringo (apple), melon, and badu (grape).


More tea samples: turmeric chai and Tao Tea Leaf's ready to drink iced teas/lattes.


I had a nice chat with Andrea from Tea & Toasts...


...and Katie from Monarch Tea Co.


My haul from the Tea Fest

3 Momo Teas (the apple, melon, and grape blends). 

Taniya Gupta's book of poetry and the Monarch Tea Co. custom blend, "She Believed In Herself", that was inspired by the author!


  1. You get to go to such fun tea events, Margie! It sounds like you bought some wonderful flavors of teas.

  2. The tea fest sounds delightful!
    I would love to try The Momo Tea flavors, especially sakura and badu.

    Happy Tuesday, Margie ☕


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