Wednesday, January 3, 2018

First Tea of 2018

Happy New Year!

2018 slogan: We Drink Tea
This cute teacup clock was a Christmas gift that came all the way from Scotland.

My first cup of tea in 2018 was...

"Joy" by Teavana
One of my goals this year is to find joy in the simple things.

Screenshot from Mariah Carey's Twitter
My first laugh of 2018: Mariah Carey's hilarious request for hot tea during her NYE performance in sub-zero temperatures at Times Square.  As fellow tea drinkers, we can relate to her reaction:
“I was told there would be hot tea. Oh, it’s a disaster!”
Click here to watch the 10-second video clip.

What are your tea goals for 2018?

This week, I'm joining the parties:


  1. My goal for 2018 is to drink more Tea, it's better for you!

  2. I love your clock! Perfect words for 2018!

  3. I have really stocked up on tea for this year.
    Happy New Year and good drinking

  4. I love your clock from Scotland! Very cute in red!! My tea goal this year is to drink more green tea. I used to drink a lot of it and kind of got away from it but I think it's smart to drink plenty because of the health benefits. Finding joy in simple things is a lovely goal to set, Margie. Happy New Year, my friend!

  5. The cup you have your first tea of 2018 was the same cup I had for my first cup of tea too. Love it. Love Mariah's comment too.

  6. Love your teacup(I have a similar one!) and your clock,so cute!My tea goal?Maybe drink more tea and less coffee...Happy New Year!

  7. Your teacup clock is TOO cute, Margie!! Yes, we did think alike with our JB Friendly Village for our first cup of tea. Happy New Year, my friend!

  8. Very pretty teacup! I also got a new one, and just posted about it! I guess you can never have too many teacups, right? Happy New Year!

  9. What a fun clock! I hope to use up some of the teas I have in my cupboard this year. And to try some new ones. Happy New Year!

  10. Awesome clock. My first cup of tea was Harvest peach with dark and robust honey.Happy New Year Margie.

  11. Margie, love that clock! Then that cute "tea disaster" video clip. Then, best of all, "tea goals." I had never thought about my "tea goals," but I will now! :-)

  12. Hi Margie - I love Johnson Brother's Friendly Village and it sure matches our weather outside. That's sure a darling clock! Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love the Friendly Village, and have a hard time passing up any pieces-I may se, but then you can't own them all. Mariah, My goodness if you want to have hot tea, in below zero temps, carry a thermos. Seriously----!

  14. Loved the video clip! Cracked me up. Happy New Year dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. Happy New year, Margie!! Teacup clock is so sweet :)

  16. It is wonderful to find joy in the simple things. Love your new clock, and I hope you have a wonderful year of drinking tea ahead of you! :)

  17. The teacup clock is adorable, lucky you. Happy 2018 Margie.

  18. Love the clock! I don't have any 'tea goals' but I did notice this morning that my tea drawer only has about 6 packages of tea which means it's time to restock! I have a local tea provider I buy from. Today I was drinking Russian Caravan and Irish Morning, both black teas.

  19. Happy New Year! And, oh how I love that clock!

  20. Happy New Year! The red clock is the perfect gift for a tea drinker like yourself. Love the name of your tea-Joy. I just read that all of the Teavana stores are slated to close fairly soon. Not sure if that includes the Canadian stores as well.
    My tea goals are to host more simple "tea" get togethers with friends that are not full fledged afternoon tea parties which are quite time consuming to prep. I simply enjoy conversations over tea. I would like to drink more white teas too.

  21. Margie, Love the simple shape of the black teapot. Living simply is a great goal. Enjoy a slower pace and the great things. Happy New Year! Sylvia D.

  22. Happy New Year sweet friend. I love the clock, so very cute. I always make the same resolution, to finish SOME of my unfinished projects. I like Nora' s resolution to have more simple teas with friends. I am adding that one. I already have sweets in the freezer and tea in the cupboard. All I need is to invite some friends. You could send me your clock so I won't be late to my own party. Just let me know when you've mailed it. :-)


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