Monday, March 4, 2024

Come Shop With Me at Winners

At a recent trip to Winners (a T.J. Maxx store in Canada), I spotted some cute teawares.

How cute are these Peter Rabbit teacups, mugs, and tiered trays?

I came thisclose to bringing one of the blue and white mugs home...

I was also tempted by these Wizard of Oz mugs by Rae Dunn, , but my willpower prevailed!
February tea empties
What I will or have already restocked:
1) Justea's Purple Chocolate

What I may repurchase in the future:
1) Monarch Tea Co.'s Double Cream Earl Grey black tea
2) Dessert by Deb's Fireside S'Mores black tea


  1. I can see that I should either stay away from Winners or go planning to spend on some of those cute mugs!

  2. Those are some cute Easter items and Wizard of Oz mugs. Your willpower did prevail! I’m pretty sure I would’ve brought home that blue bunny teacup and saucer.

  3. Cute mugs! I also love the blue and white! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Great Peter Rabbit teacups! I couldn't resist to bring them home... Greetings.

  5. I am such a Peter Rabbit fan, I'd have an incredibly hard time not buying up the lot!


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