Monday, March 11, 2024

Creative teabags

I'm a sucker for creative packaging. So I was delighted to receive a variatea of teabags featuring beautiful artwork!

Albert EinsTEAn - Moroccan Experiment Tea


Fred Tea Mercury - Bohemian Raspberry


Vincent Van Goghji: Goji Berry Tea

FriTÉ Khalo - Watermelon Rose Hibiscus Tea


ShakeSpearMINT Tea - Spearmint Tea


  1. Margie, I always buy loose leaf tea, but THESE could tempt me to get in a few teabags as well! Too cute! Especially the goji berry tea. Love them all. I have such fun every time I visit your blog.

  2. So cute ! Would be good gift idea. Thanks for sharing !

  3. Aren’t those unique teabags, Margie? I’m affected by pretty packaging, too!

  4. The artwork is fun and beautiful!
    Fred Tea Mercury is my favourite.

    Hugs and blessings, Margie ☕

  5. the colors on these tea bags are striking!


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