Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Tea and BBW Haul

 Hello, April!

During Easter weekend, I enjoyed Lord Lancaster's Easter tea, a green tea blend of sweet pomengranate and wild raspberry.

Are you a fan of the Bridgerton books or Netflix series?

Bath and Body Works (BBW) recently released a Bridgerton collection. I couldn't resist snagging the limited edition Queen Charlotte's Tea candle (regular price: $32.95 CAD) when BBW's 3-wick candles were on sale for $13.95 CAD each.

The fragrance notes are "rich bergamot, bold citrus and black tea leaves". I could smell the citrus notes, but it didn't really smell like an Earl Grey tea to me.

When the the Bridgerton collection launched, the hand soaps were on sale for $3.95 CAD each, so my mom picked up the Queen Charlotte's Tea and Danbury Shortbread foaming hand soaps.

I'm waiting for the Tea Cup Wallflowers Scent Control™ and the Tea Pot PocketBac Holder to go on sale... 

March tea empties

What I will or have already restocked:
1) Geek+Tea's As You Wish black tea
2) DavidsTea's Lavender Buttercream rooibos

What I may repurchase in the future:
1) Dessert by Deb's Strawberry Oat Milk rooibos tea
2) Murchie's Tea Lavender Cream black tea


  1. Ooh, I love Bath and Body! Especially their hand soaps. I usually stock up on then when they go on sale. Happy April. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Happy Easter Monday, Margie! I’ve stayed away from BBW for awhile, but I’m glad that you got some bargains. I’ll have to check out those scents.

  3. Lord Lancaster's tea sounds very posh and elegant. Delicious, too. Looks like you found some fun things.


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