Monday, July 24, 2023

Christmas in July: Thrifted Teawares

I always keep an eye out for Christmas teawares, even when it's out of season. This past weekend, I scored a couple of great holiday finds at my local thrift stores!


I initially passed on this large poinsettia teacup by Gracie's Teawares because I thought that the $7.99 CAD price tag was expensive for a secondhand teacup. But I couldn't stop thinking about it and it's so hard to find poinsettia teawares so I went back the next day and bought it! The large teacup is about twice the size of a standard teacup!

I didn't hesitate to snag these cute reindeer mugs which hold your tea and cookie at the bottom. I was gifted the same mug a few years ago, and the price ($3.99 CAD for the pair) was right!

Only 5 months left until Christmas Eve!


  1. More wonderful finds, Margie! Sometimes a large teacup is perfect and those mugs are so beautiful and those mugs are so unique and handy for tea and cookies.

  2. Oh I do love that beautiful poinsettia tea cup! Girl...I too would have paid that for that beauty. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I especially love the cute reindeer mugs 🦌
    Happy Thursday, Margie

  4. Fun mugs. That gorgeous Christmas teacup caught my eye! Love it.

  5. Que chávena linda de Natal!
    E o par com as renas, é adorável! Ainda não tinha visto, dessas que levam biscoitos no fundo! Que formidável ideia!
    Um par divertido e muito prático! Beijinhos


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