Monday, July 31, 2023

July wrap-up: new teas and tea empties

We're in the thick of summer and I'm still drinking hot teas!


New tea #1 (Murchie's): Victorian Garden is a delicious fruity black and green tea blend.


New tea #2 (Tealish): Fairy Dust is a strawberry kiwi roiboos that would also make a tasty iced tea.


New tea #3 (DavidsTea): Pink Papayadise fruit infusion was a refreshing cold brewed tea.


 July tea empties

What I will or have already restocked:
1) Lavender Peach Pound Cake green tea (Dessert by Deb)
2) Rated R black tea (T by Daniel)
3) Sleepy Lychee fruit infusion (DavidsTea)
4) Lavender Buttercream roiboos (DavidsTea)

 Tomorrow: Salt air, and the rust on your door


  1. We're finding the weather out here in central Canada a bit un-summery. I don't think it's typical for July. Maybe things will warm up a little in August. Meanwhile, back home rain is desperately needed.
    The Lavender Buttercream roiboos tea sounds good.

  2. More yummy sounding teas sipped, Margie. I always have hot tea in the morning, but drink ice tea the rest of the time until the weather cools down.

  3. Fairy Dust sounds lovely, light, and refreshing, Margie ... perfect for August weather.

  4. I love the sound of Fairy Dust.
    Hugs and blessings, Margie

  5. Hot drinks keep you healthy in summer.

  6. Excelentes escolhas! Eu acrescentei há poucas semanas atrás, chá de frutos vermelhos e chá de alecrim, à minha lista habitual... mas mesmo em tempo quente, não abdico de chás quentes... que bebo pelo menos amornados, nos dias mais quentes! Mas sabem-me melhor do que frios...
    Só o chá de alecrim não compro, porque tenho um vaso na minha varanda, e faço-o diretamente, cortando um pedacinho da planta... com um bocadinho de mel... acho super agradável. Creio que apresenta imensos benefícios para a saúde...


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