Monday, September 25, 2023

Sweater Weather

It's my favourite time of year: cozy sweater weather!


I don't need another mug, but I just couldn't resist this charming "Sweater Weather" mug from Winners (similar to TJ Maxx stores).


Can't stop, won't stop buying these adorable teapot sweaters from KnitzbyTamara.


My mugs also got some cosy love!


These beautiful bespoke mug cosies were made by Tafferty Designs.

Judith did a fantastic job creating my mug cosies inspired by the Eras Tour surprise piano! 


  1. Oh my such cuteness, Margie! I love your new sweater weather mug, your teapot sweaters, and the wraps for your mugs. It’s always so fun to see what new things you’ve bought for your tea collection. 🫖😊🫖

  2. Your sweater mug is adorable!
    Love those teapot sweaters too.

    Hugs and blessings, Margie ☕

  3. Ideias fantásticas, para forrar os bules e as chávenas, e tornar os dias de Outono, mais saborosos e aconchegantes!
    E aquela chávena grande de Outono, é linda!
    Adorei este post adorável, cheio de criatividade e aconchego! Beijinhos! Feliz Outono!


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