Monday, September 4, 2023

Three Thrifted Teapots

It's a new September!

This week, I'm sharing teapots that I thrifted during the last few months.

Teapot #1: This vintage Sadler sunflower teapot was in mint condition and was only $4.55!


I was thrilled to finally have a bell-shaped Sadler teapot in my collection!


Teapot #2: I initially passed on this Whittard of Chelsea blue starry teapot because it was stained inside. But I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went back to the thrift store and bought it for $4.55.


I figured that if I couldn't get the stain out, I could use it for decoration. I soaked the interior with vinegar for a few hours and the stains came out easily. So the teapot looked as good as new!


 The teapot also came with a tea strainer.


Teapot #3: I hit the jackpot when I spotted sitting on the store shelf this beautiful teapot made by a Canadian potter, Deborah Doran. I've always admired her work at the pottery shows, but I couldn't afford her teapots which sold for $90 CAD.


Deborah Doran's teapots are known for their cute little feet, the handle at the front, and the witch hat-like lid. I practically skipped to the cash register when the price tag said that it was only $14.99!


 August tea empties

What I will or have already restocked:
1) Pistachio Ice Cream black tea (DavidsTea)
2) Lime Gelato green tea (DavidsTea)
3) Horchata Chai mate (DavidsTea)

What I may repurchase in the future:
1) Vanilla Cinnamon Rose Sugar Shortbread black tea (Dessert by Deb)


  1. Oh my goodness, Margie! You sure scored some great bargains!! I wish I could go thrifting with you, but we’d probably want the same things.

  2. All three are so pretty and so unique, good for you!

  3. Que linda a coleção de bules! Tenho algumas peças de cozinha manchadas... vou ter em conta a sugestão do vinagre!
    Adorei as suas belíssimas aquisições, Margie!


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